May 19, 2024

Walk Like a Disciple: Walking Worthy
Series: Walk Like a Disciple
In our final message in the series Walk Like a Disciple, Pastor Aaron takes a close look at the instructions of Paul as he shares with the Ephesian church what it takes to "walk worthy of your calling". Join us and allow God to challenge you today.
- May 19, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Walking Worthy
May 19, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Walking WorthySeries: Walk Like a DiscipleIn our final message in the series Walk Like a Disciple, Pastor Aaron takes a close look at the instructions of Paul as he shares with the Ephesian church what it takes to "walk worthy of your calling". Join us and allow God to challenge you today.
- May 5, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Marching Orders
May 5, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Marching OrdersSeries: Walk Like a DiscipleToday we look at when Jesus sent out the 12 disciples to minister and the instructions that he gave them before they left. God has given us all marching orders. It is up to us to follow them and obey, then we will be successful in our mission.
- Apr 28, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Leave it Behind
Apr 28, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: Leave it BehindSeries: Walk Like a DiscipleWe continue this week with our series "Walk Like a Disciple" with a message entitled "Leave it Behind". Jesus continues to teach His disciples the cost of following him as 3 men from their travels declare that they will follow Him. What Christ teaches them with three simple statements is what they and us need to leave behind in order to truly be His disciple.
- Apr 21, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: A Watchman and a Worker
Apr 21, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: A Watchman and a WorkerSeries: Walk Like a DiscipleIn our third week of our series "Walk Like a Disciple" Pastor Aaron takes us into a subject that has incredible meaning to us a Christians, "The End Times". In today's message entitled "A Watchman and a Worker" we will see that Jesus has called us to do much more than just sit on the sidelines and wait for His return. He has called us to do so much more...
- Apr 7, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: God Chooses You
Apr 7, 2024Walk Like a Disciple: God Chooses YouSeries: Walk Like a DiscipleAs Jesus walked this earth he chose 12 disciples to walk along with Him. Why did He choose them? What was so special about them and even more important, how can we walk like the disciples and learn from Jesus ourselves? In this first message of the series Pastor Aaron takes us through a familiar story that helps explain why Christ has chose each one of us to be His disciples.