May 15, 2022
Get Off The Beach
As we progress in our walk with God we can sometimes get stuck in one place. We can get to the point where we concentrate on where we are at more than where we are supposed to be going and who we are supposed to be. Join us today as Pastor Aaron shares about how concentrating on the destination can sometimes distract us from our destiny.
- May 15, 2022Get Off The Beach
May 15, 2022Get Off The BeachAs we progress in our walk with God we can sometimes get stuck in one place. We can get to the point where we concentrate on where we are at more than where we are supposed to be going and who we are supposed to be. Join us today as Pastor Aaron shares about how concentrating on the destination can sometimes distract us from our destiny.
- May 1, 2022Broken Altars
May 1, 2022Broken AltarsWhat does the altar of your life look like today? Is it a place that you visit frequently or has it fallen into disrepair? God is calling us back tot he place called the altar. The place where he changes us and molds us into who we are supposed to be. Join us today as Pastor Aaron helps us take a look at what a broken altar can do to our spiritual lives.
- Apr 24, 2022Go and Tell
Apr 24, 2022Go and TellSeries: The Journey To The CrossIt all seemed to be over. Jesus had been crucified and buried and now the angel was telling the women at the tomb that he was risen. Seems like everything was finally done...or was it? Today, travel with us to a time just moments after the resurrection of Jesus Christ when he gave a message that was to be carried around the world.
- Apr 17, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final Morning
Apr 17, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final MorningSeries: The Journey To The CrossToday we celebrate the hope that Christ brought us 2000 years ago on a hill called Golgotha. When the morning began, the disciples had no idea how it would end up. That morning, the world looked on as Jesus was beaten, put on trial, and crucified. On this "Final Morning" it looked as if Jesus had failed, but had he? Join us today as we conclude this year's Easter series with Pastor Aaron's message, "His Final Morning"
- Apr 10, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final Arrival
Apr 10, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final ArrivalSeries: The Journey To The CrossWhen Jesus Christ walked through the Eastern Gate 2000 years ago, it was more than just showing up for Passover. God is a detailed God and on the very first Palm Sunday in history the people were doing more than just celebrating the Son of God. Join us today as Pastor Aaron takes a deep dive into His Final Arrival in Jerusalem before His betrayal, trial, and crucifixion.
- Apr 3, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final Stories
Apr 3, 2022The Journey to the Cross: His Final StoriesSeries: The Journey To The CrossAs the time of Easter draws near our minds travel back to the sacrifice that Jesus Christ gave in order for our sins to be forgiven. Today, Pastor Aaron begins a 3 week series where we not only look at that sacrifice but the days leading up to the cross. Join us this week in our first message in "The Journey to the Cross" series as we take a look at the final three parables that Jesus shared and the important message of "His Final Stories".
- Mar 27, 2022Come and See
Mar 27, 2022Come and SeeThe easiest way for us to share Christ with someone is to give them an invitation. An invitation to church, an invitation into our lives and most of all, an invitation to meet the one named Jesus. Today, Pastor Aaron gets us ready to be the witnesses we are called to be by sharing with us how our lives need to say "Come and See" to those around us.
- Mar 20, 2022In Search of a Blessing
Mar 20, 2022In Search of a BlessingIf you ask anyone if they would like to be blessed the answer would be yes 99% of the time. Today Pastor Aaron discusses how God has a blessing for everyone. He is actively trying to bless us throughout our day and sometimes we are even looking for that blessing in return. Join us as we take a look at Jacob and the blessing that he received even before he was born and how we can receive the blessing that God intends for us.
- Mar 13, 2022How Do I Forgive
Mar 13, 2022How Do I ForgiveForgiveness is something that we are familiar with in the church. We always hear how Jesus Christ came to forgive us of our sins yet the harder teaching to accept is forgiving others that have hurt us. Join us today as Pastor Aaron discusses "How Do I Forgive?" as we dig deep into The Word and let God teach us how forgiveness is born out of love of Him and of other people.Forgiveness is something that we are familiar with in the church. We always hear how Jesus Christ came to forgive us of our sins yet the harder teaching to accept is forgiving others that have hurt us. Join us today as Pastor Aaron discusses "How Do I Forgive?" as we dig deep into The Word and let God teach us how forgiveness is born out of love of Him and of other people.
- Mar 6, 2022Between Fearful and Faithful
Mar 6, 2022Between Fearful and FaithfulIn the uncertain times that we live in, fear is something that is weighing heavily on people. From war to COVID people are faced with situations that we have never seen before. The question is what happens when we let fear drive us. Today, Pastor Aaron shares how we can move from Fearful to Faithful.