Oct 23, 2022
Special Guest Ed Wilson and Alabama Teen Challenge
Today we are honored to have Alabama Adult Teen Challenge and Rev. Ed Wison with us. Teen Challenge is a ministry begun years ago to help men and women battle addictions of many kinds. Countless lives have been changed and chains of addiction have been broken through this ministry. We are honored to partner with them in the mission that God has called them to do.
- Oct 23, 2022Special Guest Ed Wilson and Alabama Teen Challenge
Oct 23, 2022Special Guest Ed Wilson and Alabama Teen ChallengeToday we are honored to have Alabama Adult Teen Challenge and Rev. Ed Wison with us. Teen Challenge is a ministry begun years ago to help men and women battle addictions of many kinds. Countless lives have been changed and chains of addiction have been broken through this ministry. We are honored to partner with them in the mission that God has called them to do.
- Oct 16, 2022Honor Your Pastor with Anthony Cofield
Oct 16, 2022Honor Your Pastor with Anthony CofieldWith October being Pastor Appreciation Month, today we have asked Bro. Anthony Cofield and his wife Shelena to come and help us celebrate our pastoral staff here at Calvary Temple. Join us as we honor our pastors Aaron and Amy Argo for their hard work and sacrifice answering the call to come and lead CTC.
- Oct 9, 2022National Children’s Ministry Day with Trevor Twine
Oct 9, 2022National Children’s Ministry Day with Trevor TwineToday we get a special look inside the heart of our children's ministry as well as our children's pastors. Pastor Trevor Twine and his wife Alex will be sharing a very special message from God with us today as well as the vision that God has placed in their hearts for our CT Kids. So, today we invite you to become a kid again and let God speak to your heart using these wonderful servants of God.
- Oct 2, 2022You Got This
Oct 2, 2022You Got ThisHave you ever felt overwhelmed? Like you can't take any more weight on your shoulders or that you were about at the end of your rope? Each of us has experienced this and it is not easy to get past at times. Today, Pastor Aaron wants you to know...YOU GOT THIS! God has brought you to where you are for a reason but He also knows what you need to get past this. No matter what your situation is: sickness, depression, anxiety, hurt, bitterness, whatever, God has given us the tools to overcome and is shouting from the edge of heaven, "C'mon...YOU GOT THIS!"
- Sep 25, 2022Get Your Mind Right
Sep 25, 2022Get Your Mind RightOur mind is one of the most important battlefields in our walk with Christ. Today, Pastor Aaron shares with us how we can truly be transformed into who God has called us to be.
- Sep 18, 2022Lost Along the Way
Sep 18, 2022Lost Along the WaySeries: No Longer LostIn Revelation 2, Jesus dictates a letter to the Church of Ephesus to His servant John. In this letter He shares with the church something that they have lost along the way as they have journeyed with Him in their walk. Today Pastor Aaron shares his final message in the series No Longer Lost as we take a look at something that The Church may have lost along the way in our journey.
- Sep 11, 2022An Encounter With Jesus
Sep 11, 2022An Encounter With JesusSeries: No Longer Losttakes us to a story about a man by the name of Zacchaeus and a very special encounter that he had in the city of Jericho. Join us as we take a quick look at the impact that one encounter with the right person can have on your life and how you can go from "lost" to "found".
- Sep 4, 2022The Good Shepherd
Sep 4, 2022The Good ShepherdSeries: No Longer LostToday Pastor Aaron begins a brand new series entitled "No Longer Lost". During this series he will be taking us on a journey through the scriptures that take a look at how Christ sees the lost of this world as well as how we should see them as His disciples. Come and dig a little deeper with us today as we take a look at how Jesus is "The Good Shepherd" and what he does to search out the lost of this world.
- Aug 28, 2022The Call of Discipleship
Aug 28, 2022The Call of DiscipleshipJesus had a way of thinning the crowds when they got a little big. It usually involved some radical statements such as, "you must eat of my flesh and drink my blood" or "take up your cross and follow me". Today, Pastor Aaron discusses with us the true call of discipleship and all it entails according to Matthew 16:24-28. Settle in and lets dig deep into the subject of The Call of Discipleship.
- Aug 7, 2022Simple Truth
Aug 7, 2022Simple TruthIn a world that seems so hungry for truth, it seems to be hard to find. Today, Pastor Aaron shares with us some very simple truths about Jesus and the relationship that He desires with each of us. Come and worship with us and experience God like never before.